
ศูนย์การศึกษานอกระบบและการศึกษาตามอัธยาศัยอำเภอคลองขลุง จังหวัดกำแพงเพชร
แบบทดสอบวิชา พต12005 ภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อการสื่อสาร
1)  Ann : Let’s go swimming.
  She’s getting wet.
  Have a good time.
  That’s a good idea.
  It doesn’t matter.
2)  Noi : I forget my dictionary. ………………………… Nid : Yes. Here you are.
  I’ll go to buy one.
  an I borrow yours?
  Please spell the word.
  Could you read for me?
3)  At the market Suda : I want some papayas. How much are these? Fruit seller : …………
  Twenty kilos.
  Twenty pieces.
  Twenty bath each
  Twenty watermelons.
4)  On The sidewalk Santi : Hello, Manat. I’m very glad to meet you. Manat : Hello S
  How are you?
  I’m fine, thanks.
  How do you do?
  I’m very glad to meet you, too.
5)  Wipa : It’s raining. Can you close the window, please? Suda : ……………………………….
  Yes, certainly.
  Have a good trip.
  Take care of yourself.
  Thank you very much.
6)  Jane was sick. Her mother took her to……………………
  police station
7)  A : Thanks. B : …………………..
  You’re welcome.
  Nice to meet you.
  Nice to meet you too.
8)  At the party Tim : Hello. Nan : Hello. Tim : Would you like some coke? Nan : ……………May I have
  Thank you.
  That’s right.
  No, thank you.
9)  Noi : I forget my dictionary. ………………………… Nid : Yes. Here you are.
  I’ll go to buy one.
  Can I borrow yours?
  Please spell the word.
  Could you read for me?
10)  Joe : Do you have rambutans? Fruit seller : Yes. How many do you want? Joe :………………………………
  No, thanks.
  Yes, please.
  Three, please.
  Two kilos, please.